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Rodger B. MacGowan 씨의 축하메시지...




일전에 소개해드린 C3i 블로그의 관리자이시지 GMT 게임의 부사장이자 RBM 스튜디오의 대표이신...


(뭔가 직함이 많으십니다;;;;)


Rodger B. MacGowan 씨가 이번 대회와 관련하여 짧게나마 축하의 메세지를 보내오셨습니다...


메시지 내용은 아래에~~





What wonderful news, congratulations on forming the "Wargame Mini League" in Korea.


C3i Magazine and RBM Studio will be proud to help sponsor and support your new gaming event.


I hope all the players have fun at your June event.







이제 리그가 본격적인 일정에 들어갔습니다...


늘 말씀 드리지만....


마지막 경기까지 모두 잼있게 즐기시길 바랍니다~!!!!!


Enjoy Games~!!!!



축하메시지를 보내오신 Rodger씨에게도 감사한 맘을 전하며...


간략하게  Rodger 씨의 프로필을 올려보겠습니다...




Rodger B. MacGowan


Editor-in-Chief & Art Director, C3i Magazine


Vice-President and Art Director, GMT Games LLC


President, RBM Design Studio



   - Fire & Movement Magazine,1976 
   - C3i Magazine,1992 
   - Charles S. Roberts Awards,1986

RBM Awards & Hobby Honors


   - Rodger B. MacGowan inducted into Origins/GAMA Hall of Fame, 2004
   - Rodger B. MacGowan received the Blomgren-Hamilton Award for
     Lifetime Achievement at ConsimWorld Expo, 2004 
   - Fire & Movement Magazine winner of the Charles S. Roberts Award for

     Best Professional Magazine six-times Ð 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 
   - Fire & Movement Magazine inducted into Origins/GAMA Hall of Fame, 1999



   - The Rise of the Luftwaffe, Eighth Air Force, DiF-C3i Squadron Pack Fighters, DiF-C3i Squadron Pack Bombers



   - SPQR-C3i PlayerÕs Guide, SimpleGBoH-C3i Battle Manual, Paths of Glory Player’s Guide



- Across the Rappahannock
- Africanus
- Alesia
- Arctic Storm
- Austerlitz 1805
- Barbarossa: Army Group North
- Barbarossa: Army Group South
- Barbarossa: Army Group Center
- Barbarossa: Kiev to Rostov
- Battles of Waterloo
- Borodino 1812
- Brandywine
- Britain Stands Alone
- Caesar in Alexandria,
- Caesar: Conquest of Gaul
- Carthage
- Cataphract and Justinian
- Commands & Colors Ancients
- Commands & Colors Ancients Greece Exp Nr1
- Commands & Colors Ancients Civil War
- Commands & Colors Ancients The Barbarians
- Conquerors Alexander the Great
- Consul for Rome
- Corsairs & Hellcats
- Crisis: Korea 1995
- Devil’s Horsemen
- Diadochoi
- Dictator
- Down in Flames Squadron Pack
- 8th Air Force
- For the People
- Glory
- Glory III
- Great Battles of Alexander
- Great Battles of Alexander – Deluxe Ed.
- Gringo!
- Great Battles of Julius Caesar
- Guilford
- Here I Stand
- Hornet Leader
- Juggernaut
- Jugurtha
- Lion of the North
- Mamluk
- Monmouth
- Onward Christian Soldiers
- Pax Romana
- Phalanx
- Pyrrhic Victory
- Rise of the Luftwaffe
- Rise of the Roman Republic
- Red Badge of Courage
- River of Death
- Samurai
- Saratoga: The Turning Point 1777
- Savannah
- Successors
- SimpleGBoH Battle Manual
- SPQR Deluxe Edition
- SPQR Player’s Guide
- Sword of Rome
- Three Days of Gettysburg
- Thunderbolt + Apache Leader
- Triumph & Glory
- Typhoon!
- Victory in the West
- War Elephant
- War Galley
- Wellington
- Zero!



GMT Games LLC, Hanford, CA


(AD = Art Director; pkg = package design; ctr = counter design; map design; card design; * = Award Winner)


1- A World At War (AD, pkg)
2- Across the Rappahannock (AD, ctr, pkg)
3- Africanus (AD, ctr, pkg)
4- *AirBridge to Victory (AD, ctr, map, pkg)
5- Alesia (ctr, pkg)
6- *Ardennes ’44 (AD, pkg)
7- *Arctic Storm (AD, ctr, pkg)
8- *Asia Engulfed (pkg) 2007
9- Austerlitz 1805 (AD, ctr, pkg)
10- Barbarossa: Army Group North (AD, ctr, pkg)
11- *Barbarossa: Army Group South (AD, ctr, pkg)
12- Barbarossa: Army Group Center (AD, ctr, pkg)
13- Barbarossa: Kiev to Rostov (2008)
14- * Battle for North Africa (AD, pkg)
15- Battle Line (AD, card, pkg)
16- *Battles of Waterloo (AD, ctr, pkg)
17- Blackbeard (pkg) 2008
18- Blue vs. Gray Deluxe Edition (AD, pkg)
19- Borodino 1812 (ctr, pkg) 2004
20-*Brandywine (AD, ctr, pkg)
21-*Britain Stands Alone (AD, ctr, pkg)
22- Burning Blue (pkg) 2005
23- Caesar in Alexandria (AD, ctr, pkg)
24- Caesar: Conquest of Gaul (AD, ctr, pkg)
25- Carthage (ctr, pkg)
26- Cataphract and Justinian (AD, ctr, pkg)
27- Clash of Giants (AD, pkg)
28- Clash of Giants II (pkg)
29- Clash of Monarchs (pkg)
30- Commands & Colors Ancients (ctr, cards, pkg)
31- Commands & Colors Ancients Exp. Greece (ctr, cards, pkg)
32- Commands & Colors Ancients Civil War (ctr, cards, pkg)
33- Commands & Colors Ancients The Barbarians (ctr, cards, pkg)
34- Combat Commander Europe (cards, pkg)
35- Combat Commander Mediterranean (cards, pkg)
36- Combat Commander Paratroopers (pkg)
37- Combat Commander Pacific (cards, pkg)
38- Combat Commander Staingrad (pkg)
39- Conquerors Alexander the Great (ctr, pkg)
40- Consul for Rome (AD, ctr, pkg)
41- Conquest of Paradise (pkg)
42- Corsairs & Hellcats (AD, ctr, card, pkg)
43- * Crisis: Korea 1995 (AD, ctr, pkg)
44- Crisis: Sinai 1973 (AD, pkg)
45- Devil’s Horsemen (ctr, pkg)
46- Diadochoi (AD, ctr, pkg)
47- Dictator (AD, ctr, pkg)
48- Down in Flames Squadron Pack (ctr, card, pkg)
49- Downtown (Pkg)
50- 8th Air Force (AD, ctr, card, pkg)
51- 1863 (AD, pkg)
52- *Empire of the Sun (pkg)
53- Flying Colors (pkg)
54- Formula Motor Racing (AD, card, pkg)
55- *For the People (AD, ctr, pkg)
56- Galaxy: The Dark Ages (AD, pkg)
57- * Glory (AD, ctr, pkg)
58- Glory III (ctr, pkg) 2007
59- Grand Illusion (pkg) 2004
60- Great Battles of Alexander (AD, ctr, pkg)
61- Great Battles of Alexander – Deluxe Ed. (AD, ctr, pkg)
62- Great War in Europe Deluxe (pkg)
63- Gringo! (ctr, pkg)
64- Great Battles of Julius Caesar (AD, ctr, pkg)
65- Guilford (AD, ctr, pkg)
66- Gustav Adolf the Great (pkg)
67- *Here I Stand (ctr, pkg)
68- *Hornet Leader (GMT) 1991 (AD, ctr, card, map, pkg)
69- Invasion: Norway (GMT) 1995 (AD, pkg)
70- *Invasion: Sicily 1943 (AD, pkg)
71- Ivanhoe: The Age of Chivalry (AD, pkg)
72- Juggernaut (AD, ctr, pkg)
73- Jugurtha (AD, ctr, pkg)
74- June 6  D-Day, 1944 (AD, pkg)
75- Kasserine (AD, pkg)
76- Kutuzov (pkg)
77- *Lion of the North (GMT) 1993 (AD, ctr, pkg)
78- Lost Victory (AD, pkg)
79- Mamluk (ctr, pkg)
80- Manifest Destiny (pkg)
81- Manoeuvre (pkg)
82- Medieval (AD, pkg)
83- Men of Iron (ctr, pkg)
84- Monmouth (ctr, pkg)
85- *Napoleonic Wars, The (AD, pkg)
86- *1914 Twilight in the East (pkg)
87- Onward Christian Soldiers (ctr, pkg)
88- Operation Mercury (GMT) (AD, pkg)
89- *Operation Shoestring (AD, ctr, map, pkg)
90- *Paths of Glory (AD, pkg)
91- Pax Romana (ctr, pkg)
92- Phalanx (AD, ctr, pkg)
93- Prussia’s Glory (AD, pkg)
94- Prussia’s Glory II (pkg)
95- Pursuit of Glory (pkg)
96- Pyrrhic Victory (AD, ctr, pkg)
97- RAN (ctr, pkg)
98- Reds! (AD, pkg)
99- Rise of the Luftwaffe (AD, ctr, card, pkg)
100- Rise of the Roman Republic (AD, ctr, pkg)
101- Risorgimento 1859 (AD, pkg)
102- Red Badge of Courage (AD, ctr, pkg)
103- *River of Death (AD, ctr, pkg)
104- Roads to Leningrad (pkg)
105- ROME (AD, card, ctr, pkg)
106- Samurai (AD, ctr, pkg)
107- Santa Fe Rails (AD, pkg)
108- *Saratoga: The Turning Point 1777 (AD, ctr, pkg)
109- Savannah (ctr, pkg)
110- Successors (ctr, pkg)
111- Sweden Fights On (AD, pkg)
112- *Silver Bayonet (AD, map, pkg)
113- SimpleGBoH Battle Manual (ctr, pkg, pub)
114- *SPQR (AD, ctr, pkg)
115- SPQR Deluxe Edition (AD, ctr, pkg)
116- SPQR-C3i Player’s Guide (AD, ctr, pkg, editor)
117- *Sword of Rome (ctr, pkg)
118- The Bulge (pkg) 2008
119- *Three Days of Gettysburg (AD, ctr, pkg)
120- *Thirty Years War (AD, pkg)
121- *This Accursed Civil War (AD, pkg)
122- Tigers in the Mist (AD, pkg)
123- *Thunderbolt + Apache Leader (AD, map, ctr, card, pkg)
124- Triumph & Glory (AD, ctr, pkg)
125- *Twilight Struggle (pkg)
126- *Typhoon! (GMT) 1995 (AD, ctr, pkg)
127- *Ukraine ’43 (AD, pkg)
128- Under the Lily Banners (pkg) 2005
129- Victory in the West (AD, ctr, pkg)
130- Von Manstein’s Backhand Blow (AD, pkg)
131- War Elephant (AD, ctr, pkg)
132- War Galley (AD, ctr, pkg)
133- Wellington (ctr, pkg)
134- *Wilderness War (AD, pkg)
135- Winds of Plunder (ctr, cards, pkg)
136- *World War 2: Barbarossa to Berlin (AD, card, pkg)
137- Zero! (AD, ctr, card, pkg)

<자료출처 : http://www.c3iopscenter.com/ >